To strengthen awareness of Speak Up and assure users of its confidentiality, we released our ‘What is SPEAK UP?’ document which is available English, Hindi, Tagalog, and Arabic. This ensures that our people, in the most commonly spoken languages in our Group, have a clear understanding of what our Speak UP platform is for and how to use it.
Since its rollout in January 2020, the platform has facilitated granular analysis of ethics breaches where trends in countries, violation type, activity etc. can be identified. This facilitates targeted preventative measures against ethics breaches to be directed where they are most prevalent. Furthermore, we have identified that at least 30% of the incidents raised on the platform do not qualify as breaches of ethics. However, is a very effective way to listen to the concerns of our people. Hence, we have classified these incidents as “concern for improvement”, which then allows each respective business unit or department to review their policies and procedures with the aim of improving our systems.
In 2021 we plan to continue spreading awareness on the platform and analyze the data collected over one year to identify the pain points and introduce preventative measures and target trainings where its most needed